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Tópico: Construction Equipment Management for Engineers, Estimators, and Owners

  1. #1
    Membro Intermédio Avatar de juliovp
    Data de Registo
    Jan 2010

    Padrão Construction Equipment Management for Engineers, Estimators, and Owners

    Based on the authors’ combined experience of seventy years working on projects around the globe, Construction Equipment Management for Engineers, Estimators, and Owners contains hands-on, how-to information that you can put to immediate use. Taking an approach that combines analytical and practical results, this is a valuable reference for a wide range of individuals and organizations within the architecture, engineering, and construction industry. The authors delineate the evolution ofconstruction equipment , setting the stage for specific, up-to-date information on the state-of-the-art in the field. They cover estimating equipment ownership, operating cost, and how to determine economic life and replacement policy as well as how to schedule a production-driven, equipment-intensive project that achieves target production rates and meets target equipment-related unit costs and profits. The book includes a matrix for the selection of equipment and identifies common pitfalls of project equipment selection and how to avoid them. It describes how to develop an OSHA job safety analysis for an equipment-intensive project, making this sometimes onerous but always essential task easier. The authors’ diverse and broad experience makes this a book that ranges from the rigorous mathematical analysis of equipment operations to the pragmatic discussion of the equipment maintenance programs needed to guarantee that the production predicted in a cost estimate occurs.

  2. #2
    TME está offline
    Membro Intermédio Avatar de TME
    Data de Registo
    Jan 2011


    vamos la ver

  3. #3
    Membro Intermédio Avatar de Mcalado
    Data de Registo
    Aug 2010


    parece bom..

  4. #4
    Nova Engenharia

    Padrão Livro Gratuito de Planejamento de Obras

    Olá! Você já sabe quais são os 6 PASSOS PARA O VERDADEIRO PLANEJAMENTO DE OBRAS? Entenda de uma vez por todas com esse E-BOOK GRÁTIS, desvendado pelo Engenheiro Civil Artur Paranhos, como acabar com atrasos e imprevistos e mande as surpresas para bem longe!

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