“Bridge Design to Eurocodes”
Vienna, 4-6 October 2010
This major European event on dissemination of information for training on the Eurocodes will take place in Vienna on 4-6 October 2010. This workshop will have emphasis on worked examples and intends to contribute towards the transfer of background knowledge and expertise of Eurocode Bridge Parts writers (CEN/TC250 Horizontal Group Bridges) to Eurocode users and potential trainers at national level. Please find attached the first announcement of the workshop. It is also accessible on: Eurocodes: Building the future - The European Commission website on the Eurocodes where you will also find additional information on the workshop.
Please note the deadline for registration, 30 August 2010. Interested participants can register online at https://jrc-meeting-registration.jrc.ec.europa.eu.
An “informal” exhibition of publications and software related to the Eurocodes will take place in parallel to the Workshop. It will be a simple exhibition with 3-4 table outside the room of the workshop (Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Radetzkystrasse 2, 1030 Vienna). All interested exhibitors are free to participate, taking into account the space limitations (first come-first served policy). Any interested exhibitors should contact the Workshop secretariat no later than 17 September 2010. Please note that the European Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information provided by the exhibitors.
For further questions you can contact the Workshop secretariat at eurocodes-bridges2010@jrc.ec.europa.eu .