Cone Penetration Modeling in Sand for Evaluation of Earthquake-Induced Lateral Spreading
This paper reports research currently being conducted on the correlation of permanent lateral
ground deformation (DH) due to earthquake-induced lateral spreading caused by liquefaction of saturated
sand, with static cone penetration (CPT) point resistance. Both lateral spreading tests with in-flight shaking
and in-flight CPT tests are done at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) centrifuge in Troy, N.Y. DH
measurements are being directly correlated with the CPT in centrifuge model tests for various sand relative
densities and degrees of preshaking. These correlations will provide the basis for CPT-based charts to predict
DH in the field. These charts are also expected to provide threshold combinations of CPT value, soil depth,
ground slope, and strong motion input for which DH is small and can be neglected even if the soil liquefies,
due to its dilatant shear stress-strain response.