Computational modeling of man-made and natural systems: the two-phase flows in bubble plumes and sediment-laden open channels

Orador: Prof. Fabián Bombardelli
(University of California, Davis, USA)
17:00 - 18:00, Sexta-Feira, 25 de Março de 2011
Pequeno Auditório, LNEC, Avenida do Brasil, 101, Lisboa

No âmbito da sua deslocação a Portugal, com apoio da FCT, e em cooperação com a Comissão
Especializada de Hidráulica Fluvial, o Prof. Fabián Bombardelli foi convidado a apresentar uma
palestra e a dinamizar uma sessão técnica sobre modelação computacional em sistemas
naturais e artificiais, envolvendo escoamentos difásicos.

The flow of water and a disperse phase (such as suspended solid particles in rivers or bubbles
in stepped spillways, for instance) has received tremendous attention in recent decades. Still,
our knowledge regarding those flows is not as satisfactory as compared to that of single-phase
flows. Traditionally, two-phase flows have been treated as the flow of a mixture, disregarding
the relative velocity between the disperse phase and the carrier. On the other hand, various
researchers have advocated in recent years the use of the two-phase flow theory to simulate
natural and man-made flows. Under an Eulerian-Eulerian framework, the two-phase flow
theory considers that both phases are continua, and that they can be modeled in a separate
way. The interrelation of motions of both phases can be modeled through the consideration of
the interaction forces. This seminar presents and discusses a framework of models developed
to address dilute and non-dilute two-phase flows in general, considering different complexity
levels. Further, it shows comparisons with data for two example flows and assess different
issues with those comparisons, such as the influence on the accuracy of the prediction of
different turbulence closures and approaches, diverse formulations of the eddy diffusivity of
the disperse phase, and different proposals for the stresses coming from the inter-particle
collisions in the case of non-dilute mixtures.

Por motivos de organização, solicita-se aos interessados em participar nesta sessão técnica
que informem, via e-mail, o secretariado da APRH ( A entrada é gratuita.
