Mais uma conferência da fib, deta vez em Cavtat na Croácia. Todos os detalhes abaixo.
3-5 Maio, 2010

Mais informações poderão ser obtidas em:
Dubrovnik 2010 Symposium

Codes in Structural Engineering - Developments and Needs for International Practice

International Federation for Structural Concrete
International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering

Besides the collective trade-off between safety and economy, structural design codes provide engineers with simple tools for their everyday practice, that reflect the current state of knowledge at the national and international level. With Globalisation, the prime role of structural design codes has changed: they are now one of the agents promoting international trade. The 1995 “Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade” binds members of the World Trade Organisation to ensure that technical regulations and standards do not create unnecessary obstacles to trade. At the same time it also binds them to
adopt International (i.e., ISO) Standards – or at least use them as the basis of their own - and to work jointly for development of ISO Standards.
International interaction and co-operation for standardisation is today of utmost importance. The drive toward common or harmonised structural design standards presents us with an opportunity: the wider and more balanced their technical and scientific basis, the better, safer and more economic these standards will be. Supported by Institutes and Committees from five continents, the Joint IABSE-fib Conference organised by the Croatian Group of IABSE and the Croatian Member Group of fib in Cavtat, Dubrovnik-Neretva County, Croatia, is an opportunity for practitioners and researchers to get updated on achievements and trends in the field of worldwide codes and standards. Under the leadership of Manfred Hirt and Joost Walraven, the Scientific Committee of this conference has selected lectures, delivered by famous experts from many countries, which will address the major concerns of the participants: Objectives and Format of Codes; Bases of Design; Comparison of Codes; Lessons from Practice, Existing Structures and Structural Behaviour; Future Developments.
Having in mind the fundamental role of education in the field of codes, fib, IABSE and the Organising Committee have established an attractive Young Engineers Programme to encourage young engineers to attend this Conference or actively participate. Finally, technical visits to major infrastructure construction sites will be available. An attractive social programme, as well as fascinating sightseeing tours, will be provided for participants and accompanying persons.
As Presidents of IABSE and fib, we both look forward to meeting you in wonderful Cavtat in May, and to mark a milestone with you for future Developments and Needs for International Practice in Codes.


The IABSE Conference held in Davos in 1992 covered the philosophy, the conceptual
background and the basic elements of the Eurocodes, under development at that time. The
conference in Davos addressed all those working towards unified codes in structural
engineering in Europe, as well as those who wished to be informed on the ongoing
development. Since then, much progress has been achieved and most parts of the Eurocodes
have been finalised. During the same time, national codes in many countries have been revised
or are undergoing revision. Major codes exist or are under revision for example in the USA,
Canada, Japan, India, China, and Australia. Many countries face the dilemma of choosing
between parts from one or more of these codes while using existing national codes in parallel.
In the light of the globalisation of the construction market as well as of code writing, research
and education, the joint IABSE-fib Conference addresses all persons worldwide interested to
learn from each other, to exchange feedback from practical experience and to contribute to
future harmonisation of structural codes. Nevertheless, differences in geographical, climatic,
environmental and social conditions as well as different safety or serviceability standards have
to be considered.
The main objective of this IABSE-fib Conference 2010 in Cavtat is to obtain an overview of the
present state of codes worldwide including the underlying legal and economical aspects. Based
on feedback from practical applications and using the results of theoretical and experimental
research, conclusions should be drawn for the development of future codes, striving for
international harmonisation in the ever more globalised market.
In addition to traditional topics related to safety and serviceability, new and special topics have
emerged concerning for example robustness, assessment of existing structures, sustainability,
aesthetics or the extensive use of information technology in the design process. Finally, the
transition between codes and practice is made possible by adequate teaching of the
fundamentals underlying the codes.
The Organising and Scientific Committees invite you to attend and exchange your views with
people from all over the World.

The Technical Programme of this Joint IABSE-fib Conference will include the Opening
Ceremony, Keynote Lectures, Regular and Short Oral Presentations from around the world (12
minutes and 8 minutes per presentation respectively), Closing Panel and Closing Ceremony.

Conference Report
All attendees will receive the Conference Report in their delegate bag at the Registration Desk
from Sunday afternoon, May 2 until Monday morning, May 3. The Report (printed in colour with
hardcover and CD) will contain the Keynotes and all accepted papers by the Scientific
Committee, presented during the Conference (with the presenter registered for participation).

The Conference will start on Monday, May 3 at 10:00 hrs with the Opening Ceremony that will
include welcome addresses, introductions and a presentation of Croatian structures. A Plenary
Session will follow including the Keynote Lectures. The main question arising is expected to be:
Why and how are the codes important for the quality of construction works? This will be
followed by three Concurrent Sessions organised in three blocks. The first block will be at noon
followed by two blocks in the afternoon which will end at 18:00 hrs.
The Technical Programme will continue on Tuesday, May 4, at 9:00 hrs starting with Keynote
Lectures which are followed by two blocks of three Concurrent Sessions in the morning, and
two blocks of three Concurrent Sessions in the afternoon.
On Wednesday, May 5, the Programme will start at 9:00 hrs with one more set of Keynote
Lectures and another block of three Concurrent Sessions. After the pause, the Technical
Programme will conclude with the Closing Panel and the Closing Ceremony. The Closing Panel
will include very short statements by the panellists and respond to questions from the audience.
It is expected that this Joint IABSE-fib Conference will be the first step for global harmonisation
creating task groups for future developments.

In order to encourage the active participation of young engineers at the conference, IABSE
Fellows, fib and the Organising Committee (OC) have established a Young Engineers
Programme (YEP). This programme offers a series of benefits to all participants born in or after
- A substantial reduction to the Registration Fee
- Free 2011 Membership for both IABSE and fib
(the participant will have to fill-out the application form on-site)
- Three prizes of €1,000 each sponsored by IABSE, fib and OC to be awarded for
outstanding contributions authored by Young Engineers. The presentation of prizes will
be made at the closing Ceremony of the Conference.
- YEP Social Event organised by the Organising Committee.

A Commercial Exhibition for companies to display their projects, products and services will be
hosted during the Conference. Companies and organisations interested in exhibiting are invited
to contact: Ms Ana Mandi!, Conference Secretary via e-mail The
Commercial Exhibition will be arranged at the Conference Venue Hotel Croatia. All exhibitors
and sponsors will be acknowledged in the Final Programme.
